Ppgs continued commitment to safety and our customers to our customers, as valued members of the ppg family, i appreciate the trust you place in us as your paint supplier and partner. Substrate must be free of curing agents and any foreign materials cure times chemical resistance reagent rating acetic acid 5% l acetone l bleach l citric acid 30% r crude oil r diesel fuel r ethylene glycol r fatty acids l gasoline r hydrochloric acid 15% r lactic acid 15% r methyl ethyl ketone l nitric acid 10% r skydrol r. Furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment and perform all work and services necessary for all painting as shown on drawings and as specified, in accordance with provisions of the contract documents, and completely. Seeadditionaldatapotlife application additionaldata overcoatingintervalfordftupto8. Some important things to keep in mind when it comes to garage floors is 1 surface prep diamond grind or shot blast. The label on an intermix formula container will have a 1, 3, 4 or 5 number designation to match the proper sds sheet. However, after backrolling and crossrolling the megaseal sl, the spike rolling step will not be. These products are available in one and twocomponent systems and low voc versions. Psx 700 products unique, fitforpurpose coatings the patented ppg psx 700 polysiloxane is featured in the external coating system and offers a major improvement in durability and aesthetics for aggressive exposure conditions. The direct to metal capabilities of amershield provide a single coat. Your new online msds binder is a place for you to store the material safety data sheets you need to deploy. Ppg is widely recognized as a world leader in protective and marine coatings, developing innovative, cutting edge products and services that are designed to deliver value for money and protect customers assets. Ppg offers singlesource service for aircraft framed window assembly overhaul and repair.
Epoxy and confetti give this retail chain new life concrete. An annual followup inspection shall be conducted following 12 months of service after acceptance of the coating work. Ppg introduces unlimited color options for megaseal line of. Aug 05, 2008 ppg recommends it for decorative concrete over another variation, megaseal clear, because crystals proprietary resin package helps it hold up particularly well over time. With its continued customer commitment, ppg has expanded capabilities to include component overhaul and repair services for framed window assemblies. Other companies are charging thousands of dollars to set up accounts and give you access to their msds online database. Ppg megaseal sl 100% solids epoxy with ppg amershield. Use it where flexibility as well as abrasion and puncture resistance are required. Hirshfields fargo, west fargo, alexandria, bismarck, minot, north dakota.
Surface preparation it is essential that joints be clean and dry. When cured, it forms a tough, resilient joint seal that resists penetration and abrasion and remains flexible when exposed to weather and aging. Megaseal flk flake additive decorative vinyl chips or megaseal qtz quartz additive may be used with megaseal sl for an attractive, durable finish. Ppg qualifies classes of ecofriendly corrosioninhibiting aerospace sealant fastcuring sealant reduces cycle time, lighter weight improves aircraft fuel economy prc pr2870 sealant by ppg is supplied in a twopart semkit package or premixed and frozen cartridge.
Masterseal sl 1 onecomponent elastomeric, selfleveling polyurethane sealant formerly. Pr2007 class c low weight fuel tank sealant pr2007 class c is a low density, high temperature aircraft integral fuel tank sealant. Use national fire protection association nfpa class b extinguishers. Ppg introduces unlimited color options for megaseal line of tints for floors pittsburghjuly 8, 2003ppg architectural finishes, a subsidiary of. Refer to specifications for specific primer being used.
This is a very difficult and unprecedented time, and i hope you and your loved ones are well. Amershield displays high gloss and excellent color and gloss retention during extended service periods. Combining ppgs expertise in coatings and technologies to aid automakers around the world in enhancing the image and identity of their vehicle brands. Megaseal hdsl is a spreadable, selfleveling epoxy surfacer for concrete floor protection where a smooth, cleanable floor surface is required. Find submittalready datasheets, sds, specs, icces reports. Amershield is a twocomponent, polyesteracrylic aliphatic polyurethane topcoat. For better shelf life, do not store above 80 degrees fahrenheit 26. Description of megaseal sl material safety data sheet section 1 product and company information ppg industries, inc.
Ppg introduces unlimited color options for megaseal line. Concrete acid etch astm d4260 or abrasive blast astmd4259. Garage floor coatings page 2 paint talk professional. Megaseal hspc is a low viscosity, solvent free, twocomponent epoxy primer sealer. Our ppg pittchar system has been trusted for decades to protect safety critical structures and equipment in hazardous environments, particularly in the oil and gas industries. Selfleveling sealants coastal construction products. To minimize contamination of adjacent surfaces, apply masking tape and remove before sealant has begun to thicken and set. In addition to product samples, the catalog binder contained product overview information and a product selector guide. Apply the megaseal sl selfleveling epoxy coating in accordance with the. The oversize base container allows for the addition and mixing of part b and sonolastic. These precautions can be found on ppg product labels and on safety data sheets sds. Paint thickness specified is minimum dry mil thickness where mil is defined as a thousands of an inch. Ppg is an industry leader in both hydrocarbon passive fire protection pfp and cellulosic passive fire protection.
Safety data sheet masterseal np 2 activator also np2 sl2. Megaseal sl is a spreadable selfleveling epoxy floor coating for concrete floor protection where a smooth cleanable floor surface is required. Megaseal sl is a spreadable, selfleveling epoxy floor coating for concrete floor protection where a smooth, cleanable floor surface is required. For better shelf life, do not store above 80 degrees fahrenheit 26 degrees c. Ppg aerospace transparencies is recognized around the world as a longtime manufacturer of originalequipment and aftermarket aircraft transparencies. Paint includes fillers, primers, sealers, emulsions, oils, alkyds, latex, enamels, thinners. Safety data sheet masterseal np 2 activator also np2 sl2 activator revision date. Ppg psx 700 coatings are isocyanate free, resistant to transitinstallation damage and outperform traditional finishes. Use national fire protection association nfpa class b extinguishers carbon dioxide, dry chemical or universal aqueous film forming foam. Hpcindustrial maintenance megaseal nse heavy duty epoxy antislip general description product data 996521 series recommended uses megaseal nse is a catalyzed epoxy antislip coating that exhibits superior chemical resistance to acids, alkalies, solvents and fuels. Other companies are charging thousands of dollars to set up accounts and. Sft 600 pedestrian grade a singlecomponent, waterbased acrylic antislip.
One ppg place pittsburgh, pa 15272 emergency phone numbers 412 4344515 u. The primed concrete surface must be clean and dry and free of contaminants such as dust, dirt, grease, or oil. To assure onthejob safety and minimize health risks, be sure to follow all applicable safety and health precautions for using ppg products. Megaseal sl fill online, printable, fillable, blank. Firstaid measures description of first aid measures general advice. Ppg industries high performance coatings megaseal megaseal sl is a spreadable selfleveling epoxy floor coating for concrete floor megaseal flk flake additive decorative vinyl chips or megaseal qtz.
Service is identified as exposure to the intended environments for which the coating was selected for example. Please use the search below to find the ppg pittsburgh paints product info you are looking for. Apply megaseal hdsl within maximum recoat time after priming. Mixing sl 2 is a threecomponent system and must be thoroughly mixed before use. Ensure that all surfaces are free of holes, cracks, and other imperfections. I would use aquapon 35 or my favorite megaseal sl 100% solids.
Remove the affected individual into fresh air and keep the person calm. Joint surfaces must be structurally sound, fully cured, and free of all loose aggregate, paint, oil, grease, asphalt, wax, mastic compounds, waterproofing compounds, form release materials, curing compounds or any other contaminants. Immediately flush eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes, keeping eyelids open. Megaseal flk flake additive decorative vinyl chips or megaseal qtz quartz additive color quartz may be used with megaseal sl for an attractive, durable finish. Interior tank wall service exposure to process liquids for which tank is used for.
Masterseal sl 2 is a multicomponent, selfleveling, elastomeric polyurethane sealant that is mixed and poured in place. Megaseal sl may be applied over a broad temperature range at varying thickness. Ppg recommends it for decorative concrete over another variation, megaseal clear, because crystals proprietary resin package helps it hold up particularly well over time. Masterseal sl 1 is one component, nonpriming, selfleveling elastomeric polyurethane designed for expansion joints in concrete floors and decks. This allpurpose epoxy resin has excellent thixotropic properties compared to. All epoxies will yellow and chalk over time when exposed to uv light. P303 page46 additionaldata overcoatingintervalfordftupto20.
Megaseal hspc productdatasheet july18, 2015revisionofjuly18,2015 ref. Dec 4, 2015 ppg megaseal sl 100% solids epoxy with ppg amershield urethane topcoat. Joint surfaces must be structurally sound, fully cured, and free of all loose aggregate, paint, oil, grease, asphalt, wax, mastic compounds, water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsing person. Amershield voc polyester acrylic polyurethane specialty. Megaseal sl fill online, printable, fillable, blank pdffiller. When it comes to building durability, increasing performance or enhancing appearance, ppgs refinish business owns a track record of success no. This flooring catalog is used by ppg sales reps and contains actual flooring samples of megaseal products. Compare search please select at least 2 keywords most searched keywords. Ppg qualifies classes of eco friendly corrosion in ppg. Prepare the surface to be coated and apply megaseal primer, followed by megaseal sl selfleveling epoxy topcoat.
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